After spending my morning looking through the daily news articles on my phone, like I do most mornings, the article that sparked my interest the most discusses the saving of whales and dolphins.This article was on CNN, a very credible source and written on June 10th, a current date.The article explains the new 'Free Willy' bill that was passed in Canada by the Canadian House of Commissions. The 'Free Willy' bill means that it is illegal to hold a whale, dolphin or porpoise captive, with the punishment of up to $150,000 fine. The reason for the name 'Free Willy' roots from a movie where a little boy rescues a killer whale from a United States amusement park. There is major hope that this bill will become a law due to its extreme amount of followers and believers, who are supporting them all over social media with the hashtag, "#emptythetanks". This bill does make exceptions to facilities who rescue whales and dolphins who are hurt or are in danger.
I am personally a firm believer of this bill being passed. I have always been a lover of animals, and especially sea animals. I have had a beach house located in Galveston, Texas all my life and loved learning about the sea creatures. I also grew up with a big brother whose favorite movie growing up was "Free Willy", he would make me watch it multiple times, which in return made me in love with the movie as well.
I am personally a firm believer of this bill being passed. I have always been a lover of animals, and especially sea animals. I have had a beach house located in Galveston, Texas all my life and loved learning about the sea creatures. I also grew up with a big brother whose favorite movie growing up was "Free Willy", he would make me watch it multiple times, which in return made me in love with the movie as well.
'Free Willy' Bill
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