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City of the Royals

     My family and I are big lovers of traveling the world and luckily we are fortunate enough to do it a lot! Out of all the places I have visited, the City of London, England is by far one of my favorites. From its yummy restaurants to its historical buildings, London has it all and more. London's biggest unique asset is its royal kings, queen, princesses and princes. My favorite part of the trip was exploring and learning the whole family tree of the Royals in not only London, but various places in Europe as well. When I visited London it happened to be during the wedding celebration of Prince William and Kate Middleton. There was a massive amount of people swarming the city celebrating the marriage of William and Kate in every restaurant and park all over the city.
     Since it was a weekend to celebrate the newly weds, we knew we needed to visit one of the most important buildings in London, Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is a extremely large home that is home to many of the royals in London, England. The home is surrounded by massive gates with guards protecting it 24/7. Luckily, they open the beautiful home to the public during the summer, so I was able to see a majority of the inside of the Palace. Each room has extensive detail with its gold trimming and intricate carpets. I had the best trip and learned so much about London's lifestyle and history and cannot wait to visit again, hopefully sometime soon!

URL about Buckingham Palace:

Buckingham Palace

A Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
